About Us
Pranayama can be learned by using the content on our website, almost all diseases can be treated with Pranayama. All the pranayama have been shown in detail on this website. Visit our website today and learn pranayama and remain healthy. Everyone feels fever or fever in the changing season. One reason for this is the disturbance in the natural temperature of the body. For this, you can do Suryabhedi Pranayama, which balances the body temperature and cleanses the blood. Along with improving digestion, it also reduces the effect of increasing age.
Beginner to advanced yogis will find hundreds of class plans and asanas on the 7pranayama yoga app.Our online portal tries to make the process of learning a yoga routine simple and motivating. By doing pranayama regularly using this app or web, your lungs become stronger, the problem of allergies, and the problem of cyanus are removed. Blood circulation in the body improves and immunity increases. It is helpful in removing the problem of blood pressure. Problems like diabetes end.
Pranayama (or breathing exercises)
Yogasana (or Yoga Postures)
Dincharya (Schedule)
Different pranayama with pictorial depiction on how to do the breathing exercises efficiently.
Different yoga postures with their steps, benefits and precautions.
21 days habit to which include package of different yoga asana and pranayama to cure the health problems +Water Drink Reminder.
Some people don't have any health problem but want to make a package of asana and pranayama to remain fit. So this module is for them. They will get the notification on their desired time.