The breathing technique is a respiratory pattern, based on an old ancient yoga technique called Pranayam. It is designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific Breathing technique such as Surya Bhedana that hold the breath for some time allow the body to replenish oxygen.
There is also Surya Bhedana Pranayama, and also the practice of awakening the Kundalini Shakti. Surya Bhedana means to impale or awaken the Pingala Nadi. The right nostril is Pingala Nadi.
Breathing Technique: Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing)
We have two nostrils left and right for breathing. In yogic terminology, nostrils are known as Nadi, the right nostril referred to the ‘gateway of Sun Energy’ or Surya Nadi, and the opposite left nostril is known as Chandra Nadi.
The right nostril Surya Nadi is called ‘Pingala Nadi’.
The left nostril Chandra Nadi is called ‘Ida Nadi’.
Which gave it the name “Suryabhedana Pranayama”.
If we go into the deep meaning of “Surya Bhedana Pranayama.”
‘Surya’ means ‘Sun’.
‘Bhedana’ means ‘Piercing’ or ‘Entering’ or crossing.
In this Pranayama, breathing is done from the right nostril. As we read above the right nostril associated with the Surya Nadi. So That is known as Right Nostril Breathing.
Pranayama literally means ‘prolonging of prana (respiration)’ or ‘prolonging of prana (sustenance)’.
The word Pranayama is made with two words – Prana and Yama, Where Prana is the life force and Yama stands for Control. We break the normal pattern of breathing through pranayama and breathing is able to concentrate. By paying attention to the breath, we are also able to influence the mind. Therefore, by doing pranayama, there is a flow of vital energy in the body.
Steps For Surya Bhedana Pranayama: Ventuno Yoga and You
First of all, spread the yoga mat before doing any pranayama and yoga. Always sit in any comfortable posture such as Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, or any cross-legged postures in which you feel easy.
Now we will follow the steps given below by Ventuno Yoga, that make Surya Bhedana pranayama more beneficial and successful.
First of all, Sit in cross-legged postures to straighten your neck spine, and waist.
Now make the Gyana mudra or Vishnu mudra with your left hand and put it on your knee.
Close your eyes.
After this, bend the right hand from the elbow and place the thumb on the right side of the nose, keep the ring finger and small finger on the left side of the nose and keep the index finger and middle finger forehead.
Now close the Chandra Nadi or left nostril with the help of a ring and small fingers, take a deep breath from the right nostril.
Let more and more breath fill your lungs.
Now close the Surya Nadi or right nostril with the thumb.
If you want to make Jalandhar bandha then uplift the shoulder and touch the chin firmly towards the chest while holding the breath.
This is Kumbhak and gradually increases the duration of Kumbhak.
In last, Before exhaling, come out from Jalandhar bandhas and close the Surya Nadi or right nostril with the thumb and exhale prefix ratio without making any sound.
Finally, repeat this action at least 4-5 times.
Expert Breathing Ratio of Inhale: Hold: Exhale for Right Nostril
Expert breathing ratio of inhale, hold in and exhale should be 1: 2: 4.
For example, if you breathe through the right nostril for 5 seconds, then hold it for 10 seconds and then exhalation from the right nostril for 15 seconds.
But For the beginners Surya Bhedana Pranayama practice with a small ratio of 1:1:1 .
Surya Bhedana Benefits
According to Yoga instruction, here are some important benefits that come from this deep breathing exercise. To take benefits of deep breathing exercise, it is very important to know about its right technique.
Suryabdhana helps reduce anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.
More practice Suryabhedana awakens the brain that possesses masculine power as well as life force.
It makes the mind healthy and also help to increases the will power.
Traditionally, Right Nostril Breathing is known to stimulate the brain and increase body heat as well as increases digestive fire.
Most of the problems related to the breath can be cure by practicing this Pranayama.
Pranayama helps in communicating positive thoughts. Along with this, its practice brings peace to the mind and brain.
Most importantly, the regular practice provides more oxygen to all organs, and helps to improves intestinal functioning, thereby improving overall digestion.
Moreover Right Nostril Breathing is very beneficial for reducing stress and relieving mental stress.
Heat increases in the body due to which Vata and Pitta get destroyed, and it is beneficial in colds, cough, and breathing diseases, etc.
As a result, this pranayama is practiced in winter, more beneficial for Kapha, cough, Asthma, Sinus, Lung, Heart and Piles.
Keep In Mind
Practice this pranayama at a place where clean air flows, do not do it in a closed room.
Pranayama always should be practice on an empty stomach as well as the morning session.
The duration of Right Nostril Breathing should not be increased simultaneously.
Do not over-inflate the stomach and chest while doing a breathing inhale.
There should not be a sound of inhaling or exhaling. In the beginning context, you can start practicing without Kumbhaka (holding), Mool Bandha, and Jalandhar Bandha.
In conclusion - Those who have experience of high blood pressure, brain surgery, or heart surgery, do Suryabhadana Pranayama in a systematic way and under the supervision of a specialist.
Other Breathing Techniques
Bhastrika Pranayama
Sheetkari Pranayama
Sheetali Pranayama
Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama